The sound production of the electric guitar takes place through the electrical amplification of the low output voltage of the pickups. The movement of the steel strings in the magnetic field of the coils of the pickup creates the voltage, which sounds through the amplifier. The body of the electric guitar, compared to the acoustic guitar, has no resonator. The body was made solid and has little or no cavity.
To make the sound audible, an amplifier is also required, which is connected to the electric guitar via a cable. In our shop you can find the division of electric guitar into solidbody, semi-acoustic, 7&8 string electric guitars and left-handed.
The traditional board guitar, also known as solidbody, is characterized by its body made of solid wood. Well-known models include the Fender Telecaster and Stratocaster or the Gibson variants Les Paul, Gibson SG (Solid Guitar) and Firebird. Solidbody electric guitars are the most common electric instruments.
Semi-acoustic guitars are also known as semi-acoustic or semi-resonant guitars. These particular instruments are equipped with a hollow body that has resonance holes (f-holes). Inside this body is a solid block that usually extends from the base of the neck to the back strap button.
Welcome to Music Center Electric Guitars Onlineshop
Here in our MusikCenter Scharte online store you will find a selected range of high-quality electric guitars. Each guitar is provided with a perfect setup in our specialist workshop before being safely shipped. In addition, you can expect a wide range of services from us - both online and on site in our showroom.
Your electric guitar from Musik Center Scharte
With us you will find a wide selection of electric guitars. Whether solidbody, semi-acoustic or variants for left-handers - we offer you only high-quality instruments of the top brands.
You need help with the decision? We will be happy to advise you on all aspects of electric guitars. Thanks to our years of experience and expertise, we can provide you with the best possible support in choosing your new electric guitar. Simply contact us by phone, mail or contact form.
Set in the specialist workshop
All electric guitars are completely adjusted in our specialized workshop before safe shipment. The neck curvature is adjusted, the nut notches and bridge inlay are adjusted. We pay attention to a very good playability of the instruments. We are happy to take your preferences into account when adjusting the electric guitar. For this you can contact us after your order.
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Die E-Gitarre
Die E-Gitarre ist ein Instrument, das in vielen verschiedenen Musikgenres eingesetzt wird und sowohl für Einsteiger als auch für erfahrene Musiker geeignet ist. Im Gegensatz zur akustischen Gitarre erzeugt die E-Gitarre ihren Klang mithilfe von Tonabnehmern, die die Schwingungen der Saiten in elektrische Signale umwandeln, die dann durch einen Verstärker verstärkt werden. Dies ermöglicht eine große Klangvielfalt, die von warmen, runden Tönen bis hin zu harten, verzerrten Klängen reicht. Der Sound der E-Gitarre kann auf vielfältige Weise angepasst werden, indem man verschiedene Effekte und Verzerrungen einsetzt.Die E-Gitarre ist in verschiedenen Musikgenres weit verbreitet, darunter Rock, Heavy Metal, Blues, Jazz, Pop und viele andere. Jeder dieser Stile hat seine eigenen spezifischen Spieltechniken und Klänge.
Ihre E-Gitarre von Musik Center Scharte
Wir bieten Ihnen eine große Auswahl an E-Gitarren. Ob Solid Body, halbakustische Gitarren oder Varianten für Linkshänder - Bei uns finden Sie qualitativ hochwertige Instrumente der top Marken.Wenn Sie Hilfe bei Ihrer Entscheidung benötigen oder Fragen haben beraten wir Sie gerne rund um das Thema E-Gitarren. Dank unserer jahrelangen Erfahrung und unserem Fachwissen können wir Sie bestmöglich bei der Wahl Ihrer neuen E-Gitarre unterstützen. Melden Sie sich dafür einfach per Telefon, Mail oder Kontaktformular bei uns.